Sunday, July 12, 2009


Hello friends! As you probably know, Gabe and I are big fans of making tasty, pretty food to feed our friends... but when there is no one around to feed, we decided it would be fun to have another purpose to motivate us to cook fancy things. So we're going to start documenting what we eat, and hopefully in the process learn to improve recipes and broaden our culinary horizons. Read along if you're into foodporn, want to steal recipes, or want to know what we're cooking tomorrow so you can come steal some.

Re: recipes - all of these are going to be things I've copied from various other food blogs, magazines, and cookbooks into my own ever-growing recipe book, so I'm not going to try to cite where I got them. Soon I'll add links to the food blogs and books that I use the most.

Thanks for reading!

- The Gentle Giant

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